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How to write your perfect CV for the packaging Industry

A Curriculum Vitae is a self-marketing tool and getting an interview can depend on how good your CV is. Our Packaging Recruiters provide their best tips....
Written on 2/24/12

A Curriculum Vitae is a self-marketing tool and getting an interview can depend on how good your CV is. Our Packaging Recruiters provide their best tips on how to write your perfect CV for the Packaging Industry.

Ian Roe from Mercury Search and Selection provides his insight...

  • Packaging is very much in the public and political consciousness; subject to changing legislation, public health, environmental, lobbying and technological developments.  On top of that many sectors have seen cycles of consolidation, rise of independents and further consolidation.  Whilst not all of these are relevant to all roles some are.For commercial roles this may be more obvious but for example changing technology in production methods definitely affects the currency and relevance of machine operator skills.
  • Being aware of these issues and perhaps pre-empting them can set you apart, whether it is learning new skills or relating your achievements to an impending challenge the employer may face it demonstrates how you can add value rather than just touting what you have been.
  • Clarity is vital.  By this we mean a simple clear layout with all the relevant information in a concise manner.  A CV must be easy to read as it will only get around 15 seconds at first viewing.  In that time you need the reader to be able to scan across the various sections and find the information they need.
  • Demonstrate value.  Most CVs are very narrative in nature.  People say these are the things I did.  The value lies in how good you are at what you do so you must write your CV in terms of what you achieve and at the very least put some scale to what you have done.  Whether it is value of sales, sales growth, budget responsibility, machine efficiency, cost reduction or specialist skills etc. demonstration of how much and what improvement you made allows the employer to perceive the value you can bring.


Tony Moroney from Wallace Hind Selection  provides his insight...

  • Your CV is a tool to help you get an interview, it will not secure the position for you. Take your time in preparing the document. Your CV should say enough about your employment and what you have achieved to leave prospective employers wanting to know more about you and therefore invite you for interview.


Ben Robson from Monocle International provides his insight...

  • A CV is your “Interest Generating Statement” therefore you need to avoid flowery generic statements like “good communicator” or “self-starter”, potential employers are looking for synergies with their business and what value you could add to their business, so keep to the facts.
  • Ensure you include all actual dates, start with a very brief summary of your skill set (bullet points are best) then for each role a brief snapshot of the business and your responsibilities followed by punchy statements of your achievements. It is beneficial to include quantifiable achievements where possible.